Thursday, December 20, 2012

I live my Life in Widening Circles

I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not complete this last one
but I give myself to it.
I circle around God, around the primordial tower.
I've been circling for thousands of years
and I still don't know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?
~ Ranier Maria Rilke ~

Monday, December 17, 2012

God's Kite

Today I had a vision of our souls connected to a colorful kite in God's possession.

God was happy with us and decided to take us out to the beach. 

He ran with the kite laughing, as we swirled and swayed in the wind.

We rose high and dipped towards the water in a spiraling dance in the sky.  

We received many lovely kisses from the sun 

and winks of knowing from the seagulls. 

They too have been a part of this ritual with God for eons. 

We shared in this Joy and our souls formed a rainbow of colors on the kite's sail.

God was so pleased, He showered us with his adoration.

I said to God, You are so generous and kind.

What can I offer You for this glorious day at the beach ?

and He said, just remember Me and smile.

Everything is Now

"Everything is Now.
As there are billions of stars 
There are billions of steps. 
As there are billions of souls, 
There are billions of ways to grow.

Don’t mind the destination, 
Don’t mind the end. 
Don’t mind the good or bad
or right and wrong.

Grow from the past,
But grab hold of now. 
Now is always evolving."


Monday, December 10, 2012

Tell Me, O Love

Tell me, O Love,
Who is more elegant,
You or this vast garden of yours?

Shine, O moon,
You are an inspiration
to all who look upon the night sky.

You place doors in the sky.
You place wings on the human heart.
You enchant every mind
and bewilder both worlds.

O Beloved,
yours is the pleasure of this world
and the way to the next.

~ Rumi