Thursday, July 4, 2013

For My soul Yearns for you

I make pleasant songs, and weave verses/
Because for You my soul longs.
My soul desires to be in Your hand’s shade/
To know all of Your deepest mystery.[1]

When I speak of Your Glory
My heart yearns for your love.
Therefore I will speak of Your Glories
And Your Name I will glorify in songs of love.

I will recount Your Glory, though I have not seen You
I describe You though I have not known You.

He beautifies Himself through me, because He desires me
And He shall be for me a crown of beauty.
May my contemplation be sweet to You
for my soul yearns for You. King Solomon

I Vote For You

When your eyes have found the strength 
To constantly speak to the world
All that is most dear
to your own Life

When your hands, feet and tongue
can perform in that rare unison
that comforts this longing earth
with the knowledge.

Your soul, 
Your soul has been groomed
In His city of love;

And when you can make other laugh
with jokes
that belittle no one
and your words always unite,

Hafiz Does vote for you.

Hafiz will vote for you to be 
The minister of every country
in this Universe.

Hafiz does vote for you my dear.
I vote for you to be 


I Want a Lot

You see, I want a lot.
Maybe I want it all:
the darkness of each endless fall,
the shimmering light of each ascent.

So many are alive who don't seem to care.
Casual, easy, they move in the world
as though untouched.

But you take pleasure in the faces
of those who know they thirst.
You cherish those
who grip you for survival.
