Friday, January 16, 2015

On Presence

Presence is standing in awe at the threshold of a great temple recognizing the possibility of our divine expansion. It is a moment of recognition that there is a world that is greater than the world of the ego and personality that we have called home. Then when we are summoned to enter, the great temple of our inner being and recognize that within there exists a hallway where the divine presence is felt. We feel the inner quiet, a sanctified presence of grace a sense of wonderment. And as we enter even deeper we are greeted by the divine mother, embraced and bathed in love. Tears of recognition come, this is the real home. An opening of the heart and an outpouring of divine love, nothing that can compare to any earthly experience can be described here. Deep awe and yearning for greater bliss. This is where we are ready to die to ourselves, to let go of the old self, to surrender the ego and be returned to the origins of our being. Yet this is just a visit, there is so much more to learn and uncover, this is just the beginning of the understanding.